New paper out from CANCERLESS Project on cancer prevention in people experiencing homelessness

A new paper published in the top journal of the Lancet Publishing Group – eClinicalMedicine – shows the first empiric results of the CANCERLESS project. The new publication lead by Tobias Schiffler, a PhD student on the CANCERLESS project, mapped out experiences of people experiencing homelessness in four European countries (Austria, Greece, Spain and the...

Tobias Schiffler wins a grant for his project “CoMitMenT”

Tobias Schiffler wins a grant for his project “CoMitMenT”. “CoMitMenT – Co-designing strategies for physical health promotion with people living with mental ill-health” is a Vienna-based research project that aims to identify the barriers and facilitators that people with mental ill-health experience when seeking help for physical health problems within the local healthcare system. By...

New Horizon Europe grant for our team

Our team lead by Igor Grabovac has been successful in securing funding from the Horizon Europe programme from the European Commission looking into patient navigation in cancer prevention services for people experiencing mental-ill health in Europe. Project entiteld “CO-CAPTAIN: Cancer Prevention among Individuals with Mental-Ill Health: Co-Adapting and Implementing Patient Navigation for Primary Cancer Prevention”...

New Public Health book out with participation from our Group

  A new edition of the Public Health Textbook “Public Health: Gesundheit und Gesundheitswesen” has been published by Elsavier. This comprehensive textbook covers all the basic important aspects of public health with a special focus on issues pertaining to German speaking parts of Europe and with cooperation from authors from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Our...

Grabovac Group wins grant from WWTF

Our group has been succesfull at the first Public Health funding call in Austria, financed by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF). Cooperating with Prof Janina Kehr from the Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology of the University of Vienna, Lisa Lehner and Igor Grabovac codesigned and cowrote the project proposal for “Less=More Project:...

Charlotte and Igor featured in the new ORF radio series “Young Science”

Charlotte Rösel and Igor Grabovac were featured in the new radio series at ORF1 called “Young Science“. The new multimedia format provides interview articles and radio interviews focusing on scientific topics of interest for younger people and featuring mostly young scientists as well. Charlotte and Igor presented the important information of the WE-Project and explained...

Lovro and Igor participated at a Conference on Trans Rights in Bratislava

On the 22nd of September, Lovro Markovic and Igor Grabovac were invited guests to an international conference focusing on the rights of trans people in Slovakia and Europe, organized by the Faculty of Law, Comenius University of Bratislava (partners of the WE-Project Consortium). In their presentations, Lovro and Igor focused on aspects of health and...