Igor presented and participated in CUPID Training School

Igor participated in a three day training school (17. – 19.09.2024) in Prague organised by the CUPID COST Action. CUPID (Cancer-Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities) aims to establish a network of researchers and practitioners to develop guidelines and policy for cancer prevention in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Igor presented our experiences from CANCERLESS...

Igor is Visiting Professor at EHESP

Igor was selected to lead the Integration Module of the European Masters in Public Health for 2024 in Rennes. This international program funded by Erasmus Mundus program of the European Union brings together 86 students from over 42 countries. Integration Module brings all students back to the French National School of Public Health (Ecole des...

Hanna and Igor gave a webinar to the Austrian Federal Association for Psychotherapy (ÖBVP)

On April 9th 2024, Hanna Mües and Igor Grabovac gave a webinar on “Sexual and gender diversity – Scientific findings and relevant topics for practice”, which was organized by the Österreichischen Bundesverband für Psychotherapie (ÖBVP, engl.: Austrian Federal Association for Psychotherapy). In their talk, they outlined various determinants of health of people identifying as part...

New Public Health book out with participation from our Group

  A new edition of the Public Health Textbook “Public Health: Gesundheit und Gesundheitswesen” has been published by Elsavier. This comprehensive textbook covers all the basic important aspects of public health with a special focus on issues pertaining to German speaking parts of Europe and with cooperation from authors from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Our...