Postdoctoral ResearcherHanna Mües, BSc, MSc, PhD

About Hanna Mües

Hanna graduated in Psychology from the University of Vienna (Austria). During her studies, her interest in both science and practice became apparent. From working as a student assistant, she continued her path in academia as a postgraduate researcher while pursuing her PhD in Clinical Psychology in the Stress Lab of Prof. Urs Nater at the University of Vienna (Austria). In parallel, she started her training to become a psychotherapist. Hanna joined the Community Health Lab in June 2023 and is working as a researcher and project manager of the EU-funded CO-CAPTAIN project. She is also continuing to work as a psychotherapist in training under supervision (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) in her own practice. Hanna is especially interested in mental health, sexuality, prevention, stress, and vulnerable communities. In September of 2024, Hanna defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Too stressed for sex? Associations between sex, sex behaviour, stress and stress consequences” at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Vienna.

Maintaining and enhancing our mental health is essential. It can have vast effects on our general health and our lives. Unfortunately, mental health still seems to be of low priority in many settings and its potential tends to be underestimated. By taking care of oneself and others but also by targeting mental health on a societal level, we can contribute to a healthier and happier society.
Hanna Mües



Areas of interest

Mental health, sexuality, prevention, stress, vulnerable communities, qualitative and quantitative research, in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, thematic analysis, ecological momentary assessment (EMA)

Highlighted Publications

Mües, H.M., Kirchheiner, K. and Grabovac, I. (2023) ‘Promotion of Sex in Older Adults’, Sexual Behaviour and Health in Older Adults, pp. 139–156. Available at:

Reitter. H., Mües, H. M., Maidhof, R., Mewes, R., & Nater, U. (2022). Stress und psychische Gesundheit bei Studierenden in Österreich [Stress and mental health in university students in Austria]. Psychologie in Österreich, 42(4&5), 382-391.

Bergmann, J.C. et al. (2020) ‘Zur Situation der Jungwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler in der Psychologie in Österreich’, Psychologische Rundschau, 71(4), pp. 361–371. Available at:

Mües, H. M. & Nater, U. M. (2020). Sexuality and stress. In M. Gellman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. New York, NY: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6439-6

Professional membership

Austrian professional association for psychotherapy (ÖBVP)
Austrian Psychological Society (ÖGP)
Austrian Society of Behavioral Therapy (ÖGVT)
European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)
SIG Young Researchers of the EAPM
Golden Key International Honour Society (Membership by invitation only)
World Association for Stress-Related and Anxiety Disorders (WASAD)

Achievements and awards

2022 Poster award 2022, 18th Congress of the German Association of Behavioral Medicine and Modification (DGVM)

2022 Public choice award, Photo Competition “My research in one picture”, University of Vienna

2022 VDS CoBeNe Completion Grant, Vienna Doctoral School Cognition, Behavior, and Neuroscience (VDS CoBeNe), University of Vienna, Austria

2021 Poster selected for the best poster slam at the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM) Virtual Conference 2021

2019 Scholarship for the conduction of a study as part of the dissertation

2019 Awarded the following grant: “Dissemination – Financial assistance for young scientists for participation in conferences abroad”

2019 University of Vienna Performance Scholarship, Austria

2018 University of Vienna Performance Scholarship, Austria

2017 University of Vienna Performance Scholarship, Austria

2011 A place on the Dean’s Honours List of the Faculty of Arts for the 2010-11 Fall/Winter Terms, University of Alberta, Canada

2010 Registrar’s International Baccalaureate Student Scholarship, University of Alberta, Canada

2010 University of Alberta Scholarship for International Recruitment, Canada

2010 Registrar’s International Student Scholarship, University of Alberta, Canada

2010 University of Alberta Academic Excellence Scholarship, Canada

2010 University of Alberta Germany First Year Excellence Scholarship, Canada


2021-2024 Vienna Doctoral School Cognition, Behavior, and Neuroscience (VDS CoBeNe), University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

2020-present Method-Specific Training in Psychotherapy Austrian Society of Behavioral Therapy (ÖGVT), Vienna, Austria

2018-2024 Doctoral student

2017-2020 Propedeutic Programme in Psychotherapy, University of Vienna, Austria

2015-2018 Master of Science in Psychology (MSc) with distinction, University of Vienna, Austria

2016 Training in end-of-life care and grief counselling

2011-2015 Bachelor of Science in Psychology (BSc), University of Vienna, Austria