“The Promoting Work-based Equality for LGBT+Q+ Youth – the WE Project” aims to empower sexual and gender minority (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) youth in Europe during the vulnerable times of transitioning from the educational system to the workforce. With over 6 million young people who are unemployed or otherwise economically inactive in the European Union, the European Commission noted youth unemployment as an important issue. Young LGBT+Q+ people are here especially vulnerable as information indicates high levels of bullying and mobbing in schools, which often continue later on as mobbing and discrimination at the workplace. This makes young LGBT+Q+ people at higher risk of absenteeism, lower productivity and unemployment – all factors associated with health issues. Through qualitative and quantitative research in six European countries (Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom) the WE-Project team created an online tool and learning platform aimed at increasing knowledge on anti-discrimination and workers’ rights for LGBT+Q+ youth but also professionals (teachers, psychologists, human resources managers, etc.) who work with them, as well as political and business stakeholders.
The WE-Project has been financed by the European Union´s Rights-Equality-Citizenship (REC) program under the Grant Agreement number 881910.
Members of the Consortium include: Forum for Freedom in Education (Croatia), Association Against AIDS – JAZAS (Serbia), Comenius University Bratislava (Slovakia), Polibienestar Institute University of Valencia (Spain), Anglia Ruskin University (UK) and is coordinated by the Medical University of Vienna (Austria).
For more information, visit the project´s website: we-project.eu
Key members of the Grabovac Group: Igor Grabovac (Principal Investigator, Project Coordiantor), Lovro Markovic (Postgraduate Researcher), Charlotte Rösel (Graduate Researcher).