Lisa and Igor win a new grant from WWTF

Lisa Lehner, together with Igor Grabovac won a new grant from the Vienna Science and Technology Fund – WWTF! The transdisciplinary project called “HPVienna: Pioneering a Transdisciplinary Urban Surveillance System for Human Papilloma Virus with Vulnerable Communities” focuses on surveillance, genotyping and modelling of HPV in vulnerable communities in Vienna. The project brings together the Bergthaler...

Igor presented and participated in CUPID Training School

Igor participated in a three day training school (17. – 19.09.2024) in Prague organised by the CUPID COST Action. CUPID (Cancer-Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities) aims to establish a network of researchers and practitioners to develop guidelines and policy for cancer prevention in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Igor presented our experiences from CANCERLESS...

DIGI: a new project for our team

Lisa Lehner and Igor Grabovac won a new project grant from the Austrian Institue of Public Health (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH – GÖG). The project DIGI: Digital Helath Promotion: A Study on Quality Assurance of Digital Health Information (Digitale Geusndheitsförderung: Studie zur Qualitätsicherung von digitalen Gesundheitsinformationen) will look into the possibility of establishing quality control and...

New publication by Hanna and Igor

A new article titled “Health literacy and empowerment for people with severe mental illnesses” and published in psychopraxis.neuropraxis provides insights into the relevance of improving health literacy and empowerment, especially for people with mental ill-health. People with mental ill-health are faced with a high disease burden as well as somatic health risks. The situation is...

Lisa, Honja & Tobi presented results from CANCERLESS at this year’s FEANTSA Forum in Vienna

The FEANTSA Forum in Vienna provided us with an invaluable opportunity to discuss how our team in CANCERLESS was making strides in offering cancer preventive care to people experiencing homelessness within our project’s framework. People experiencing homelessness face significant barriers to healthcare, which often leads to late diagnoses and poor health outcomes. Our session focused...

Tobi wins Best Abstract Award at International Mental Health Conference in Bern

Our very own Tobias Schiffler, together with his co-authors Chirstopher Tupy and Lisa Kainzbauer won the Best Abstract Award at the Sixth International Conference on Mental Health and Recovery in Bern, Switzerland. The award was given for the Abstarct entitled “Trialogisches Co-Design zur Verbesserung körperlicher Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungserfahrungen: Das CoMitMent Projekt” which...

Honja and Lisa give a talk at VHS Urania

On April 8, 2024, Honja Hama and Lisa Lehner gave a talk at one of Vienna’s Centers for Adult Education (Volkshochschule) on the social aspects of pharmaceuticals. The Social Lives of Pharmaceuticals In a 90-minute interactive talk, the “Less is More?”-team members presented some initial findings from the project, but focused on discussing with a lively audience at the Volkshochschule...