Igor on the “Our Better Half” podcast

Igor talked about his research on sexuality and sex in older adults and his new book on the “Our Better Half” podcast in an episode called: Sex Research: Beyond Dysfunction and Towards Pleasure. The podcast is led by 4 sex researchers and dedicated to topics of healthy sexuality and sex in older adults. Igor discussed...

Igor honored by the Leadership Excellence Awards in Research

  Igor Grabovac was awarded second place at the inaugural Leadership Excellence in Research Awards (LExA). For this first time this year the Career Centre of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft has established and awarded the LExA Awards to recognize outstanding leadership skills that make significant contribution in solving societal challenges and serves as role models...

New paper out from CANCERLESS Project on cancer prevention in people experiencing homelessness

A new paper published in the top journal of the Lancet Publishing Group – eClinicalMedicine – shows the first empiric results of the CANCERLESS project. The new publication lead by Tobias Schiffler, a PhD student on the CANCERLESS project, mapped out experiences of people experiencing homelessness in four European countries (Austria, Greece, Spain and the...

Charlotte and Igor featured in the new ORF radio series “Young Science”

Charlotte Rösel and Igor Grabovac were featured in the new radio series at ORF1 called “Young Science“. The new multimedia format provides interview articles and radio interviews focusing on scientific topics of interest for younger people and featuring mostly young scientists as well. Charlotte and Igor presented the important information of the WE-Project and explained...