Honja presents Less is More at the Austrian Patient Advisory Board

On November 28, 2024, our Honja had the opportunity to present at the Austrian Patient Advisory Board (Österreichischer Patient:innenbeirat). The talk, titled Verschreibungspraktiken in Wien: Erste Erkenntnisse zu „Deprescribing“, focused on findings from our “Less is More?“-project. The session delved into the concept of deprescribing drawing on preliminary data from Vienna. The presentation highlighted the challenges...

Our Projects Spotlighted at the European Cancer Summit

Honja Hama and Igor Grabovac visited the European Cancer Summit between 20th and 22nd of November in Brussels. The European Cancer Summit is a high level event organized by the European Cancer Organisation and brings academic researchers, medical practitioners involved in cancer prevention and care and policy makers from national and EU levels. We are...

Lisa and Igor win a new grant from WWTF

Lisa Lehner, together with Igor Grabovac won a new grant from the Vienna Science and Technology Fund – WWTF! The transdisciplinary project called “HPVienna: Pioneering a Transdisciplinary Urban Surveillance System for Human Papilloma Virus with Vulnerable Communities” focuses on surveillance, genotyping and modelling of HPV in vulnerable communities in Vienna. The project brings together the Bergthaler...

DIGI: a new project for our team

Lisa Lehner and Igor Grabovac won a new project grant from the Austrian Institue of Public Health (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH – GÖG). The project DIGI: Digital Helath Promotion: A Study on Quality Assurance of Digital Health Information (Digitale Geusndheitsförderung: Studie zur Qualitätsicherung von digitalen Gesundheitsinformationen) will look into the possibility of establishing quality control and...

Honja and Tobi at the INTERACT Europe 100 First Consortium Meeting

Honja Hama and Tobias Schiffler represented the Grabovac Group and the Medical University of Vienna at the First Consortium Meeting of the INTERACT-EUROPE 100 meeting in Barcelona! Building on the achievements of its predecessor INTERACT-EUROPE, INTERACT-EUROPE 100 is a 36-month project that is co-funded by the European Union under the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027 as part...