Tobias Schiffler wins a grant for his project “CoMitMenT”.
“CoMitMenT – Co-designing strategies for physical health promotion with people living with mental ill-health” is a Vienna-based research project that aims to identify the barriers and facilitators that people with mental ill-health experience when seeking help for physical health problems within the local healthcare system. By employing a participatory co-design approach, this valuable information will be utilized to collaboratively develop an intervention framework that empowers and supports individuals with mental ill-health in accessing services that address their physical health concerns.
CoMitMenT harnesses the collective experiences and knowledge of three key groups: (1) individuals with (overcome) mental ill-health, (2) relatives and friends of people with mental ill-health, and (3) health and social care professionals from somatic and psychosocial care fields. Recognizing the pivotal roles these groups play in the intersection of physical and mental healthcare for those facing mental health challenges, active participation in co-creation workshops is actively encouraged. These workshops provide a secure and inclusive environment for them to engage in a “trialogue”, fostering discussions on tailoring physical healthcare to the specific needs of individuals with mental ill-health while eliminating stigmatization and discrimination towards a highly vulnerable population.
The insights gained from CoMitMenT will be incorporated into the larger-scale EU Horizon-funded CO-CAPTAIN project – also coordinated by the Grabovac Group – and contribute to capacity-building measures of the project.
CoMitMenT has received funding from the PPIE Exploration Call by the Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG).
The project consortium is composed of IdEE Wien, HPE Wien, and the Medical University of Vienna.
Your can find more information HERE.
Key members of the Grabovac Group: Tobias Schiffler (Principal Investigator), Igor Grabovac (Co-Principal Investigator)