Tobi wins Best Abstract Award at International Mental Health Conference in Bern

Our very own Tobias Schiffler, together with his co-authors Chirstopher Tupy and Lisa Kainzbauer won the Best Abstract Award at the Sixth International Conference on Mental Health and Recovery in Bern, Switzerland. The award was given for the Abstarct entitled “Trialogisches Co-Design zur Verbesserung körperlicher Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungserfahrungen: Das CoMitMent Projekt” which...

Tobias Schiffler wins a grant for his project “CoMitMenT”

Tobias Schiffler wins a grant for his project “CoMitMenT”. “CoMitMenT – Co-designing strategies for physical health promotion with people living with mental ill-health” is a Vienna-based research project that aims to identify the barriers and facilitators that people with mental ill-health experience when seeking help for physical health problems within the local healthcare system. By...