Lovro and Igor participated at a Conference on Trans Rights in Bratislava

On the 22nd of September, Lovro Markovic and Igor Grabovac were invited guests to an international conference focusing on the rights of trans people in Slovakia and Europe, organized by the Faculty of Law, Comenius University of Bratislava (partners of the WE-Project Consortium). In their presentations, Lovro and Igor focused on aspects of health and...

Maren and Lisa publish an article in Lancet Planetary Health

Lead by our Maren Jeleff, a group of co-authors (including Lisa Lehner from our Group) just published a systematic review in Lancet Planetary Health, focusing on social science approaches to prevention of infectious diseases. The article entitled “Vulnerability and One Health assessment approaches for infectious threats from a social science perspective: a systematic scoping review”...

Charlotte, Lovro and Igor won first place for their work on diversity promotion and research in categories “Engagement” and “Graduate Thesis”.

In order to promote a conscious approach to diversity at the Medical University of Vienna, MedUni Vienna awards the annual Veronika Fialka Moser Diversity Prize. The aim is to honour achievements in this area and make diversity visible. The prize is named after Veronika Fialka-Moser, Professor of Physical Medicine, in recognition of her many years of service in the field of diversity management at MedUni Vienna.

The CANCERLESS Consortium met for the first time in person between 07th and 08th Of March in Cambridge (UK).

The CANCERLESS Consortium meeting held its first in person meeting since project began in June of last year. During two days of meeting held at wonderful Cambridge and organized by our partners Anglia Ruskin University, the Consortium discussed important aspects on the definition of activities of the Health Navigators and the implementation of the model in various settings.

Gender Research Day highlights projects focusing on gender diversity issues in medical research and practice.

On March 1st, the Medical University of Vienna marked the Gender Research Day (Tag der Geschlechterforschung) to promote the importance of gender and gender diversity in biomedical research and practice. To gain visibility on projects concerning aspects of gender diversity Igor Grabovac and Professor Alexandra Kautzky-Willer (Professor for Gender Medicine) gave their opinion on why including gender diversity in medicine and research is important.