Lisa Lehner and Igor Grabovac won a new project grant from the Austrian Institue of Public Health (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH – GÖG). The project DIGI: Digital Helath Promotion: A Study on Quality Assurance of Digital Health Information (Digitale Geusndheitsförderung: Studie zur Qualitätsicherung von digitalen Gesundheitsinformationen) will look into the possibility of establishing quality control and quality assurance of health information available online. In times where people search and find more and more information about their health online, it is important to establish parameters that can signal that certain online sources also provide high-quality information. The DIGI project works directly with users and professionals on health information and will contribute to a larger concept of health in Austria.
Under Lisa and Igor`s leadership, this project is also done in collaboration with Magdalena Eitenberger (Institute of Political Science, University of Vienna) and our PhD student, Adis Serifovic.